Baltimore Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyer

If you suffered injuries due to a cancer misdiagnosis, you can sue. This type of misdiagnosis can lead to serious injuries, needless procedures, and considerable psychological trauma. Although the road to recovery may seem uncertain after such blatant medical malpractice, there is hope. You are not alone in this battle, and you can receive all the assistance you need from Furman Honick Law. Speak with our experienced Baltimore cancer misdiagnosis lawyer today to learn more about your legal options.

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How Can a Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyer Help?

Misdiagnosis is a leading cause of death and serious injury in Baltimore. A misdiagnosis lawyer can help you hold doctors accountable for your unacceptable error. These lawyers have specific experience dealing with medical professionals, hospitals, healthcare facilities, and related parties. They can find evidence that proves your doctor committed a misdiagnosis. If necessary, they can also represent you during a trial as they seek compensation on your behalf. An experienced cancer misdiagnosis lawyer will not stop until your damages are covered.

What Is the Definition of a Cancer Misdiagnosis?

A cancer misdiagnosis can occur in numerous ways. First, you can be falsely diagnosed with cancer, even though you might have a different medical condition. This type of error can be extremely harmful, as patients may endure painful, risky, and needless procedures for cancers that do not even exist. For example, you might have had your breast removed – even though you never had cancer.

You might also experience cancer misdiagnosis if you are falsely diagnosed with another illness, despite having cancer. In this situation, you might miss out on crucial early cancer treatment because your doctor mistakenly diagnosed you with something else. For example, you might have been diagnosed with ringworm when you actually had skin cancer.

What Damages Can I Claim After a Cancer Misdiagnosis?

You can claim various damages after a cancer misdiagnosis. But your damages depend on numerous factors. Perhaps most obviously, you can claim different damages if you’re filing a lawsuit on behalf of a deceased family member. If you choose a “wrongful death lawsuit,” you can recover compensation for funeral expenses and missed wages.

If you are suing for your own injuries, you can recover compensation for any medical expenses you incurred as a result of the misdiagnosis. You might also claim missed wages – another type of economic damage. Finally, you can claim non-economic damages such as depression, anxiety, loss of enjoyment of life, disfigurement, emotional distress, and much more. Unnecessary surgeries may leave you with disfiguring scars or amputations.

Contact Furman Honick Law Today

If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced medical malpractice lawyer, look no further than Furman Honick Law. Our lawyers have spent their entire careers fighting for the rights of injured patients like you. A cancer misdiagnosis is unacceptable, and you have every right to take legal action. With our help, you can recover the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, missed wages, emotional distress, and other damages. Speak with our experienced Baltimore cancer misdiagnosis lawyer today to learn more.