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Category Archives: Head Neck Injury


When Can I Sue for a Brain Injury in Baltimore?

By Furman | Honick |

Various accidents can lead to head injury lawsuits in Baltimore. If you have suffered a head injury, you might be wondering whether this potential source of compensation applies to you. It is an understandable question. After all, a lawsuit can cover your medical expenses, missed wages, emotional distress, PTSD, and various other damages associated… Read More »

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Suing for Loss of Motor Control After a Baltimore Traumatic Brain Injury

By Furman | Honick |

Loss of motor control is a common issue for patients with traumatic brain injuries. Traumatic brain injuries, or “TBIs,” can affect virtually every aspect of your life. While some might assume that TBI patients struggle with mostly psychological or cognitive issues, they may also encounter serious physical problems. The brain is responsible for physical… Read More »

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How Traumatic Head Injuries Can Change Your Personality

By Furman | Honick |

Medical experts are still attempting to understand the long-term effects of traumatic head injuries and one of the most misunderstood issues is the potential effects on a patient’s personality. Also known as a “TBI,” a traumatic head injury in Baltimore can change a patient’s life in ways that might seem completely invisible. If you… Read More »

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4 Pitfalls When Pursuing An Accident Claim For Whiplash Injuries

By Furman | Honick |

There are numerous muscles, discs, nerves, and tendons in the neck, all of which are fundamental to accomplishing the very important goal of supporting your head. When you experience the violent blow of an accident, these tissues may not be enough. Johns Hopkins Medicine defines whiplash as an injury that occurs when the neck… Read More »

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