Jaundice is a clear sign of concern, and it is difficult to miss. Unfortunately, many doctors in Maryland somehow fail to treat this obvious issue – and patients may suffer unnecessarily as a result. What happens if your doctor failed to treat your jaundice? What happens if you develop serious health issues as a result of this failure to treat? These may be questions worth asking an experienced medical malpractice lawyer in Baltimore.
What Is Jaundice?
Jaundice is a medical condition that causes the skin, eyes, and other parts of the body to turn yellow. The yellow pigmentation is caused by a buildup of something called “bilirubin,” a yellow substance found in the red blood cells. This yellow substance builds up in the body when the liver is unable to process it – and this could be a serious sign for concern.
The word “jaundice” comes from the French word “jaune,” and this is one of the oldest known diseases in history. It was first mentioned in clay tablets from the Mesopotamian “cradle of civilization,” and even doctors back then understood that something was seriously wrong when skin turned yellow.
Serious Possible Causes of Jaundice
Jaundice may indicate the presence of various diseases and health issues. Often, viral infection causes jaundice – including issues like hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and others. Jaundice may also indicate the presence of a serious autoimmune disorder. Perhaps most worryingly, jaundice may arise due to complications with various drugs – including contraceptives, steroids, and penicillin. Other potential causes include gallstones, cancer, and tumors.
Some jaundice is relatively benign, but more serious issues should be ruled out by responsible doctors. Until you know for sure that your jaundice is not related to something serious, you should proceed with caution. Insist on proper tests and follow up with specialists if necessary.
What Happens if My Doctor Fails to Treat My Jaundice?
If your doctor fails to treat your jaundice, you may be able to pursue legal action against them. This could form the basis of a medical malpractice claim, and you could recover compensation for unnecessary losses caused by this failure to treat.
Keep in mind that you may have to prove that you had jaundice at an earlier date. If your doctor is refusing to do anything about your jaundice, consider taking pictures. In an ideal world, your doctor will have mentioned your jaundice in your medical records. But if they fail to even notice your yellow skin, these records may be absent.
Can a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Help If a Doctor Failed to Treat My Jaundice?
There is virtually no excuse for failing to treat jaundice. The fact that this condition literally turns the skin yellow makes it almost impossible to miss – and negligence is the only real explanation if your doctor fails to treat you. Of course, each case is different – online research can only provide so many answers. For more targeted guidance, consider getting in touch with experienced medical malpractice lawyers in Maryland. Call Furman Honick Law today and speak with a partner for a free case evaluation.