Your spine is the message center of the body, transmitting information from the brain to the muscles and bodily systems. The vertebrae of the spine also provide structure, support, and flexibility, enabling you to move and walk. This is why a violent impact to the spine can cause serious medical concerns, including a condition termed herniated discs. Also known as bulging or slipped discs, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) describes herniated discs as a displacement of the gel-like pods that provide cushioning between the vertebrae.
Herniated discs can be extremely painful and debilitating, and they are often the result of accidents. The injuries can also be the result of repetitive motion with job-related tasks, so the condition develops over time because of workplace conditions. Under these circumstances, you may have legal remedies through a personal injury case or workers’ compensation claim. An Owings Mills spine injury lawyer can explain your options, and some information about herniated discs is useful.
Description of Herniated Disc Injuries: Your spine is composed of 24 vertebrae that are stacked upon each other, and the bones create a central canal down the center to protect the spinal cord. In between the vertebrae are intervertebral discs, which are flat and round. They are around a half inch thick, with a gel-like center and a flexible outer casing. The spinal discs act as shock absorbers when you move normally.
A disc may herniate when pressure from a sudden blow or repetitive motion causes it to slip out of place. The cushioning is no longer present, leading to significant back and spine pain.
Soft Tissue Injuries and Accident Claims: A herniated or bulging disc is considered a soft tissue injury, which typically affects muscle, ligaments, and tendons. In other words, a slipped disc is not likely to be outwardly visible. This is the biggest challenge with accident cases, because insurance companies and jurors tend to be more sympathetic when they can see the injuries. You will need proof through imaging screenings, such as a CT scan, MRI, or x-rays. Your lawyer may also work with medical experts to prove the nature of your herniated disc injuries.
Damages for Victims of Spine Injuries: If you were injured in an accident, you can recover various types of compensation if you can prove negligence by the at-fault party. Examples include medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
If your herniated disc injuries are the result of workplace conditions, your remedy is through workers’ comp. You do not have to prove fault by your employer, but you cannot obtain amounts for pain and suffering.
Talk to a Maryland Spine Injury Attorney About Your Options
Regardless of whether you qualify for a personal injury or workers’ comp claim, it is critical to get legal help with the process. Our team at Furman | Honick Law is ready to serve your needs, so please contact our offices in Owings Mills or Baltimore. You can set up a free case assessment by calling 410-844-6000 or visiting us online.