Across the United States, pedestrians are concerned about the dangers posed by scooters. While some zoom around on e-scooters for fun, others rely on these vehicles for their jobs. Many e-scooter drivers are food delivery workers, and these individuals may pose a heightened risk to pedestrians in Maryland. Faced with deadlines and incentivized by higher earnings, food delivery workers are more likely to behave in a negligent, reckless fashion on their scooters. Too often, pedestrians pay the price and suffer scooter injuries in Owings Mills. Can you sue in this situation?
Common Pedestrian Injuries After E-Scooter Impacts
Numerous medical organizations are raising the alarm about e-scooters, including the British Medical Journal, the Canadian Medical Association Journal, and the National Institutes of Health. These organizations have highlighted numerous pedestrian injury hazards posed by e-scooters. Some reports focus on specific pedestrian vs. scooter accidents, and these reports show some of the more common injuries.
Seniors seem especially vulnerable to e-scooter accidents while walking on sidewalks. Although these vehicles travel well over 25 miles per hour, riders do not stay on the road. Many prefer to ride on the sidewalk, making collisions with pedestrians inevitable. For decades, cyclists have understood that riding on the sidewalk constitutes a traffic offense. For some reason, e-scooter riders believe these rules do not apply to them – even though they travel faster than cyclists.
Traumatic head injuries are common for pedestrians struck by e-scooters. After the initial impact, the pedestrian may be thrown backward with such force that they strike their head on the pavement. This may cause loss of consciousness, traumatic brain injury (TBI), concussion, or death. Victims of e-scooter impacts often struggle with amnesia, and they have no memory of how their accidents occurred.
Spinal cord injuries are also possible, and these injuries can be paralyzing, disabling, and life-altering. Hip fractures are certainly possible after e-scooter impacts – especially among senior patients. Other potential injuries include lacerations, bruises, wrist fractures, sprains, and strains.
Can You Sue Uber Eats for an E-Scooter Crash on a Sidewalk?
Normally, it is difficult to pursue compensation from negligent e-scooter riders because of their lack of insurance. If the rider was working for Uber Eats, however, you may pursue compensation directly from the company that hired them. Uber Eats often offers settlements to injured plaintiffs for their damages, and an experienced injury attorney can help you pursue the compensation you need.
Pursue Legal Action with a Food Delivery Accident Lawyer in Owings Mills
If you’re serious about holding Uber Eats accountable for their reckless workers, consider working with an experienced Baltimore pedestrian accident lawyer. Negligent e-scooter drivers must be held accountable for the danger they pose to average pedestrians. By suing Uber Eats, you send a clear message that this is no longer acceptable. A lawsuit also provides compensation for medical expenses, missed wages, and other damages. Reach out to Furman Honick Law to get started today.