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Pushed Over by a Dog in Owings Mills: Can I Sue?


Residents of Owings Mills can sue dog owners for any violent animal behaviors. This includes not only dog bites, but also fall-related injuries. As long as you were injured as a direct result of an animal, you can sue the owner. This could provide you with compensation for various damages, including medical expenses and missed wages. To learn more, contact a dog bite lawyer in Owings Mills.

Even Friendly Dogs Can Cause Injuries 

A dog doesn’t necessarily need to be violent or aggressive to cause injuries. Even friendly dogs are fully capable of causing serious harm. For example, an overly excited animal may jump up toward someone, pushing them over onto the ground. The animal may have wanted to lick the victim’s face, or perhaps they were engaging in playful behavior. Regardless of these circumstances, the injury was still caused by the dog. As a result, legal action is still possible against the owner.

In this case, the dog owner is still technically at fault for not properly controlling their animal. They might have failed to leash the dog. Even if they did utilize a leash, they may have failed to pull the animal away from the plaintiff. Dog owners often have warped views about their own animals – seeing them as friendly, innocent creatures who do not need supervision. However, the reality is that virtually any dog can cause serious injuries.

With that being said, dog owner negligence is mostly irrelevant in Maryland. The state follows a “strict liability” doctrine when it comes to dog attacks. In other words, there is no requirement to prove that the dog owner did anything wrong in connection with your injuries. You do not need to show that the owner failed to properly train or control the animal. The only important factor is that the defendant owned the animal at the time of the accident.

Fall-Related Injuries Caused by Dogs 

Dogs may cause people to fall onto the cement and suffer fractures. This risk is particularly high for older individuals. These elderly victims may lack the leg strength to avoid falling – even after a slight nudge by an animal. In addition, their bones may be brittle and highly vulnerable to fractures. Hip fractures are especially problematic, potentially robbing seniors of their mobility for the rest of their lives.

Children may also be vulnerable to these injuries for obvious reasons. They may lack the strength to push back against jumping dogs. This can cause them to fall backward and suffer traumatic head injuries. These injuries may alter the quality of their life permanently.

Find an Experienced Dog Attack Lawyer in Owings Mills 

Although many use the term “dog bite lawsuit” in Maryland, you can file this type of lawsuit even in the absence of a bite. Dogs can easily push over people in Owings Mills, and this can lead to serious injuries. If you’re ready to pursue legal action, contact the Baltimore personal injury lawyers at Furman | Honick Law for a free case evaluation. With our help, you can strive for positive results and fair compensation.




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